
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Initial Marking

I achieved a level 3 for my research into similar products and a potential target audience.
I achieved a level 4 for my organisation of actors, locations, costumes, or props.
I achieved a level 3 for my shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting.  
I achieved a level 4 for my time management.
And I achieved a level 4 for my level of care in the presentation of research and planning. 

The feedback I received has given me an understanding of the improvements that I can change, implement or improve. Here are the improvements from my teachers:
Annotate test shots-strengths? weaknesses? idea development?
Provide more detail on your costume research- refer to research, target audience and the actual genre of the music.
I'd like more detail in your technical analysis with more depth in how it's giving your ideas for your own work.
Once you've got a draft of your article upload t in a new post- article first draft

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