
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the main task?

My research and planning has improved greatly, from my prelim to my final product. I only went through 3 steps for my prelim magazine. The first was looking at a range of magazines, then producing my flat plan, and then creating my final product. However for my final product I did a lot more research to make it look as proffesional as possible. With the music magazine, I still had to make a flat plan to give me a rough idea and help with creating my final product. As well, the magazines that I researched were all the same genre as my target audience which again, helped me to create a proffesional looking final product.

My flat plan for my college magazine cover in comparison to my music cover has less detail and sell lines, however I kept both with a simple colour scheme. As well I think that my "while we're young" magazine looks a bit plain and too simple to be a proffesional product.

In terms of research and planning, for my music magazine I researched into what type of fonts would work well for my masthead, sell lines and article which would go along side the chosen genre, along with colour chosen to again link in with my audience. 

Shown is a screen shot of my masthead research with the second title being the one that I chose. For my photographs I had to chose costume, make-up, hair and setting which would help to make the representation of a certain steriotype stand out and to do so I had to re-create one of my models to fit the chosen audience being indie rock. Although, for my prelim I didn't do so. 

In terms of planning, I had to go through several stages before completeting my product thes included: location reece, photo shoot planning, photo shoot test shots, model release forms, hazard assessments, article research, article drafting and then to go onto  the construction part of the magazine. Where I had to find suitable models that fitted my genre, then take photoshoots and edit persific photos that I wanted to use on my cover, contents and double page spread. 
This process has built up my computer and technology skills, meaning I can now produce a suitable magazine that can show clearly the rock/indie genre.

In terms of management, we had three weeks to start and finish the prelim task, however because I spent a lot of time drawing and researching I was rushed near the ending. The deadline made me push myself to meet it and do ti to my best ability. Although we had three weeks again to finish out main product, the software's were harder use for example the photo's had to look even more proffesional, meaning they had to be edited which was difficult. 

Friday 30 March 2012

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the construction of my magazine, I have learnt how to use a Apple Mac, and how to use software packages such as Indesign, photoshop, goanimate and Prezi. From using Photoshop to create my magazine cover, it allowed me to layer objects such as the sell-lines on top of the image. Indesign was a better software to create the contents and double page spread however, because it allowed me to line things up correctly and type the article without too much difficulty.
   As well, I have learnt how to use a proffesional camera as shown in the photo, I had to learn ow to change the settings, the flash lights and also learn things such as the focus and zoom to be able to get realistic photographs for my magazine cover. This also helped me to create the image targeted to my chosen audience from the different backrounds and choice of model.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

To receive primary feedback, we filmed short clips and asked class mates the following questions:
  • What draws your attention to the product?
  • What genre is it and how do you know?
  • What do you consider are the strengths of the product?
  • What social groups does it represent and how?
  • Would you purchase the product and why?
  • How would you improve the product?

The feedback that I received from primary research told me that audiences think that the main images grab attention to the magazine, the masthead is unique and sell lines draw further attentions. the genre is indie/rock, seen font he colour scheme and the images are indie from the clothing and makeup. the strengths are the images and the contents, making it easy to read. the social groups it represents are teenagers and indie. They would purchase the product, and they would improve this product by adding text the the top banner on the contents page as it looks bare and the font is a bit basic.

After I did my rough cuts, I realised that I preferred a single image of a female on the front of my magazine, this is because on the shelves in a store the images are mainly focused on males, so I wanted to show that it was for both genders, also by adding a picture of both genders on my contents page. I have kept with the idea of having my sell-lines along the left side on my front cover, I think that it break it up and makes it looks unique. 

GoAnimate.com: question 5 by amy.scowen

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

Monday 26 March 2012

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Following secondary research in the initial stages of my project, I found the audience of 17-22 males and females were mostly interested in attending gigs, parties, fashion and socialising. This information was based on magazines such as NME and Q who have a similar style of magazine as the one I aimed to design. They were hugely interested in the areas surrounding: music - such as gigs; socialising - such as partying; and fashion amongst other similar aspects. Their music tastes vary, however, indie music is a major one.I then conducted primary research which suggested that the people used in my research thought the example magazine Q was aimed at people aged 18 - 25, and focuses on a wide-range of music genres.Therefore from my research, the audience for my media product would be someone who fits into - but not limited to this category.

<iframe frameborder="0" height="1300" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="glogster-embed-glog" scrolling="no" src="http://www.glogster.com/glog/6lk0crajmfpudt8e1r83na0" style="overflow: hidden;" width="960"></iframe>

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

this video shows the groups represented in my product, it shows bands and images that are linked to the chosen genre.

Evaluation Question1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Friday 16 March 2012

Construction of front page

I have changed my font on the "leeds line-up rumours" to make it the same as the other sell line. I then changed the colour of the circle around the "26" quote to make it not stand out over the central image. I have also spread the "discover great music" along the main masthead to make it look neater and more like a proffesional magazine. The barcode I had before didnt look like a real one, therefore I changed it for a new one from google images. 

Construction of Contents page

I have changed the images in the centre to a more casual photo of a male, the reason is so that it shows that the magazine is for both genders and not just female. 

Construction of Contents page

I added two quote inserts to allow the reader to have an idea of what the article was based on, this also broke the page up. I added Polaroid images to add a more edgy effect and allow the reader to see the artist more. The pink banners along the top and bottom finish the page off, they link in with the front page and the contents, making the magazine link together. 

Friday 9 March 2012

Construction of double page spread

I am going to add a quote from the article across the main image on the left page to make it look more professional. 

Thursday 8 March 2012

Construction of Contents page

I want to change the image on the contents page because the lighting and contrast is too high, making the faces look white and stand out too much. 

Rough cut evaluation

To improve my products, I intend to change the size and font of my sell lines to make them all even. I need to add more images to my contents page and do another photo shoot. For my double-page spread I need to add the article, image and sell lines. 

Monday 5 March 2012

2-page Spread Article

I interviewed my friend Sara Allen who is a solo artist for my interview to go onto my 2page spread.

Magazine Rough Cut

This is my front cover and my contents which is not finished as of yet. I need to add images and other sell lines and finish my double-page spread. 

Thursday 23 February 2012

Manipulated DPS Images

Below is a potential image to occupy a full page of my DPS. I adjusted the saturation levels to make her skin and lips stand out more against her dark hair and the Ray Ban sunglasses.

Double Page Spread Photoshoot

Front Cover Construction

After setting up my page in Photoshop and selecting my front cover I began manipulating it using the crop tool and free transform. I then downloaded and installed a font from Dafont.com and began working on my page layout.

Front Cover Photoshoot



Magick caught up with the newest band on the block this week! We had an exclusive interview with Britains newest band The Keys, based on their new upcoming album and latest gigs we get the behind scenes gossip and secrets of the exciting bunch!

So, this year was the release of your newest album, how did you feel when it hit the album charts?
Surprisingly we weren’t the first to find this out! On the morning of the weekly charts we received a phone call from our manager Tim shouting down the phone that we had made it! We were so excited that our music had lifted off!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Initial Marking

I achieved a level 3 for my research into similar products and a potential target audience.
I achieved a level 4 for my organisation of actors, locations, costumes, or props.
I achieved a level 3 for my shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting.  
I achieved a level 4 for my time management.
And I achieved a level 4 for my level of care in the presentation of research and planning. 

The feedback I received has given me an understanding of the improvements that I can change, implement or improve. Here are the improvements from my teachers:
Annotate test shots-strengths? weaknesses? idea development?
Provide more detail on your costume research- refer to research, target audience and the actual genre of the music.
I'd like more detail in your technical analysis with more depth in how it's giving your ideas for your own work.
Once you've got a draft of your article upload t in a new post- article first draft

Monday 20 February 2012

Font Research

These are my two font researches. The first is a font called "gunplay". I like this because it suggests edge and rebellious, rock and role sense for the magazine. However the bottom font named "tight writer" suggests a more indie sense which suits my magazine genre more than the other font. This font gives a softer look suggesting that the magazine is for both genres.

Monitory Post

There are 6 weeks until the Easter break which means - 6 weeks of lesson time to complete my foundation portfolio.

There are 60 marks available for construction and 20 marks for Research and Planning and 20 marks for evaluation - 100 marks in total

To achieve a grade:

A I need to get 80 marks

B I need to get 70 marks

C I need to get 60 marks

To be in level 4 (grade A/B) my work must demonstrate excellence throughout.

By Monday 5th March I should have a rough cut of my products

By Monday 19th March my products should be completed

From Monday 19th - Friday 30th March I will be working on my 7 evaluation questions.

The my completed portfolio should be submitted for formal marking on Monday 16th April. I should use the Easter break to make any minor amendments to my work.

In order to meet these deadlines I will:
-attend every lesson
-make sure my photo shoot is booked
-to ensure that I work in level 4

Friday 10 February 2012

Test Shots

I did these shots to test out distance, lighting and poses. Some of these shots are close up, and others are medium close ups. I think that the close up image will look better in the 2-page spread, allowing the reader to connect with the model through eye contact and distance.