
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my AS foundation portfolio.

Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the main task?

My research and planning has improved greatly, from my prelim to my final product. I only went through 3 steps for my prelim magazine. The first was looking at a range of magazines, then producing my flat plan, and then creating my final product. However for my final product I did a lot more research to make it look as proffesional as possible. With the music magazine, I still had to make a flat plan to give me a rough idea and help with creating my final product. As well, the magazines that I researched were all the same genre as my target audience which again, helped me to create a proffesional looking final product.

My flat plan for my college magazine cover in comparison to my music cover has less detail and sell lines, however I kept both with a simple colour scheme. As well I think that my "while we're young" magazine looks a bit plain and too simple to be a proffesional product.

In terms of research and planning, for my music magazine I researched into what type of fonts would work well for my masthead, sell lines and article which would go along side the chosen genre, along with colour chosen to again link in with my audience. 

Shown is a screen shot of my masthead research with the second title being the one that I chose. For my photographs I had to chose costume, make-up, hair and setting which would help to make the representation of a certain steriotype stand out and to do so I had to re-create one of my models to fit the chosen audience being indie rock. Although, for my prelim I didn't do so. 

In terms of planning, I had to go through several stages before completeting my product thes included: location reece, photo shoot planning, photo shoot test shots, model release forms, hazard assessments, article research, article drafting and then to go onto  the construction part of the magazine. Where I had to find suitable models that fitted my genre, then take photoshoots and edit persific photos that I wanted to use on my cover, contents and double page spread. 
This process has built up my computer and technology skills, meaning I can now produce a suitable magazine that can show clearly the rock/indie genre.

In terms of management, we had three weeks to start and finish the prelim task, however because I spent a lot of time drawing and researching I was rushed near the ending. The deadline made me push myself to meet it and do ti to my best ability. Although we had three weeks again to finish out main product, the software's were harder use for example the photo's had to look even more proffesional, meaning they had to be edited which was difficult.